
200 years of maritime heritage

Goole sits on the River Ouse at it’s confluence with the River Don at the head of the Humber and is the United Kingdom’s furthest inland port, being some 50 miles from the North Sea. Goole was established in the early 19th century as a new town and port. The Aire and Calder Navigation Company, responsible for the construction of inland waterways in the region, recognized the potential of the River Ouse and decided to build a new port to serve the growing trade and industry further inland in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

The construction of the port began in 1826 under the supervision of engineer George Leather. The main purpose was to provide a direct link between the industrial areas of West Yorkshire and the North Sea. The port was officially opened in 1828, with the completion of the first dock, known as the West Dock. The early success of the port led to further expansion. Additional docks were built, including the South Dock (1840), the Railway Dock (1848), and the River Dock (1883). Railways were also developed to connect the port with major cities like Leeds, Sheffield, and Hull, further facilitating trade and transportation.

The Port of Goole became an important hub for the transportation of various commodities, including coal, timber, grain, and oil. The presence of coal mines in the surrounding areas boosted the export of coal, while imports included goods such as fertilizers, timber, and iron ore. Goole also served as a significant transshipment point for goods heading to other parts of the UK and Europe.

During both World Wars, the port played a crucial role in supporting the war effort. It was heavily involved in the transportation of goods, troops, and equipment. Following the wars, the port underwent reconstruction and modernization to adapt to changing industry needs. In recent years, the Port of Goole has continued to evolve. New investments have been made to upgrade infrastructure, including the development of the Container Terminal, which opened in 2006.

Today, the Port of Goole remains an important transportation and logistics hub in the region. It supports a wide range of industries, including power generation, manufacturing, and agriculture. The port continues to adapt to changing market demands and strives to maintain its position as a key player in the maritime industry.

Goole is a friendly and welcoming town, with a rich history and a strong sense of identity, and is home to a thriving community of small businesses and independent retailers. The Town is popular with angler’s and bird watchers and is surrounded by beautiful countryside.