The 13 Most Haunted Places in Yorkshire: A Halloween Journey Through the Supernatural

Yorkshire’s Ghostly Legacy.

As the chill of autumn descends upon the rolling dales and ancient towns of Yorkshire, a more spectral chill – one of tales untold and spirits unrested – begins to permeate the very air. Yorkshire, with its storied past, is not merely a tapestry of historical landmarks and scenic beauty; it is a haunting haven, a realm where echoes of yesteryears resonate in hushed whispers and shadowy figures. This Halloween, as the veil between our world and the next grows thin, we embark on a spine-tingling journey to unearth the most haunted locales of this venerable English county. Prepare to be enthralled, for Yorkshire’s ghosts are waiting to tell their tales.

1. Whitby Abbey, Whitby

There are many ghost stories associated with Whitby Abbey. It is said that the ghost of St. Hilda, who founded the abbey, roams the premises and peeks from one of the highest windows. Constance de Beverley, a nun who broke her vows of chastity and was bricked up alive inside the abbey walls, is also said to haunt the place ³. The abbey is also home to the Barguest Hound, which is said to be a glowing-eyed hound of hell that roams the streets.

Whitby Abbey’s haunted locations and its role in Bram Stoker’s Dracula have made it a prime location for gothic enthusiasts. Whitby is home to the Whitby Goth Weekend, which is a bi-yearly festival that attracts goths, punks, emos, and steampunks from all over the world.

2. 30 East Drive, Pontefract

One of the UK’s most famous haunted homes, this seemingly ordinary house is said to be the residence of the violent “Black Monk of Pontefract”. Reports of objects flying, sinister shadows, and terrifying physical attacks have been documented here. The house has been the subject of several documentaries and movies, including the British film “When the Lights Went Out”.

The house is open for overnight ghost hunts, and you can book a slot on the Haunted Rooms website.

3. York Minster, York

York Minster is one of the oldest Gothic cathedrals in northern Europe and has a rich history. There are many ghost stories associated with the Minster. One of the most prevalent stories dates back to the 1820s when tours of the Minster were being conducted. Two women decided to join one of these tours. During their tour, a tall man wearing a neat naval uniform approached the two women, whispered into one of their ears, and then disappeared into thin air before their eyes. One of these women recognized the man as being her brother, who had died while serving in the Navy in recent times. Rumor has it that this sister had made a pact with her brother while they were both alive. They had agreed whoever was first to pass away would return to the other still living sibling and give them definitive proof that there was an afterlife.

Many people have purported to see a ghostly man within the York Minster. Most of these people have spotted him sitting in the pews. He is always still and silent, appearing to intently listen to sermons before disappearing into thin air. While the identity of this spirit isn’t really known, many have speculated who it could be. General consensus would have you believe this man is Dean Gale, who died towards the beginning of the eighteenth century and has allegedly haunted the church ever since.

Another ghost story surrounding York Minster is a sad one. It connects to the eerie sounds of a dog crying and barking emanating from the empty York Minster late at night.

4. The Golden Fleece, York

The Golden Fleece is a pub located in York is believed to be one of the most haunted pubs in the UK and is said to be haunted by Lady Alice Peckett and up to fourteen other spectres. Lady Alice Peckett was the wife of John Peckett, who was the mayor of York and also the owner of the hotel. Guests have reported seeing Alice wandering the corridors of the hotel, moving furniture around, and walking up and down staircases in the small hours of the night. Another ghost is a Canadian airman who fell to his death from one of the upper windows of the hotel during World War II. After his untimely demise, he took up residence at the hotel as a non-paying guest ³. Other ghosts include a man known as One Eyed Jack, who is often seen wearing a 16-17th century red coat, carrying a pistol, in the bottom bar of the pub. He’s joined by a grumpy old man, also regularly seen in the bottom bar, and by a young boy from Victorian times who was trampled to death by horses who is regularly seen in the top bar. Roman soldiers have also been seen in the cellar of the hotel, which is where dead criminals used to be stored as a temporary measure until their relatives came to identify them.

6. Bolling Hall, Bradford

Bolling Hall is one of the oldest buildings in the Bradford and is currently used as a museum and education center. The hall has a history of hauntings dating back for many hundreds of years with connections to the infamous Leeds Witch, The Knights Templars, and Oliver Cromwell. There have been countless reports from staff and guests of paranormal goings-on, with no fewer than twenty recorded sightings of full-bodied apparitions. The Most Haunted team from Living TV captured a child’s crib rocking back and forth on its own accord during an overnight investigation.

If you’re interested in visiting Bolling Hall, it is open to the public on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. You can find more information about visiting the hall on the Bradford Museums website.

8. Thackray Museum of Medicine
The Thackray Museum of Medicine is located in a former workhouse in Leeds. The museum is reputed to be one of the most haunted buildings in Leeds. Visitors have reported sightings of a 19th-century woman known as “the grey lady” and a white-coated doctor who is said to lurk among the museum’s recreated Victorian streets. Some visitors have also reported being grabbed by ghostly hands and experiencing rapid drops in temperature inside the building. The museum was once a workhouse for St James’ Hospital, and it is rumoured that many ghosts haunt this impressive Victorian building.

9. Temple Newsam, Leeds

The Tudour Jacobean Temple Newsam House in Leeds is believed to be one of the most haunted houses in Yorkshire. The house has a long history dating back almost a thousand years and has been home to many illustrious and notorious people over the centuries. Some of the ghosts that are said to haunt the house include:

– The Blue Lady, believed to be Lady Mary Ingram, granddaughter of Sir Arthur Ingram, who owned the estate until 1922.

– Phoebe Gray, a young maid who was working at the house in 1704 and was murdered on the night of a party celebrating the victory of the Duke of Marlborough at the Battle of Blenheim.

10. The Treasurer’s House, York

Just a stone’s throw from York Minster, this historic house boasts a famous ghost story. Many have reported seeing a group of Roman soldiers, only visible from the knees up, believed to be marching on an old Roman road buried beneath the building.

The Treasurer’s House is a historic house located in York, England. It is owned by the National Trust and is a Grade I listed building ². The house was built in 1419 and served as the residence of the Minister’s Treasurer. The house is surrounded by one of the most intriguing and world-famous ghost stories. The story has it that as one of the workmen, 18-year old Harry Martindale, went down to the dark cellars to work on a repair; he saw a group of about 20 or more Roman ghost soldiers marching past him. The National Trust says many people have reported seeing the ghosts of Roman soldiers in the cellars of the house, with the best known account coming from retired policeman, Harry Martindale.

If you’re interested in visiting the house is open from Monday to Sunday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

11. Sheffield’s National Emergency Services Museum

Sheffield’s National Emergency Services Museum is renowned as one of the most haunted locations in Sheffield. The museum, which was formerly a combined police and fire station dating back to 1900, is said to be awash with mysterious shadows, strange moving objects, and loud angry voices coming from empty rooms. Visitors have reported regular cold spots and extreme drops in temperature inside the building. The spirit of a young pickpocket is said to haunt the corridors, and the building’s most communicative other-worldly resident is the ghost of a man called Cain. Cain was a prisoner in the cells for much of his life while the building was still a serving police station. He is quick to anger and become violent, particularly if people dare to enter his cell, and has been known to send glasses flying in fits of rage and even attack visitors by hurling whatever objects he can get his ghostly hands on.

If you’re interested in exploring the paranormal side of the museum, you can book an overnight ghost hunt through Haunted Room

12. Armley Mills, Leeds

According to, Armley Mills in Leeds is known for its paranormal activity and is considered one of the most haunted buildings in Leeds. The building was first constructed in the 16th century and was later converted into a woolen mill in 1788, which was destroyed by fire in 1805. The mill was rebuilt using fireproof materials such as brick and iron wherever possible, and it’s Gott’s mill that you see to this day. During the cotton boom in England, many mills employed young cheap labor, in some instances children as young as six, Armley was no different. Conditions were really poor, to say the least, and young children were often the worse treated, working very long hours in horrible conditions, resulting in many deaths from exhaustion and machine accidents. Due to the building’s historic importance, the site was purchased by Leeds Council who then re-opened the building in 1982 as what is now the Leeds Industrial Museum.

The museum has a widespread reputation for being one of Leeds’ most haunted buildings. Many guests have reported paranormal experiences over the years, including doors slamming shut and shooting open, being pushed rather forcefully by unseen hands, apparitions of a Victorian woman in a black dress searching for her lost child, poltergeist activity such as cotton bobbins being thrown across the room and at people, tugging on one’s clothes as though a small child is trying to get your attention, sounds of crying that appear to be from a young boy.

13. East Riddlesden Hall, Keighley

East Riddlesden Hall is a 17th-century manor house now owned by the National Trust. According to a report by HuffPost UK News, the hall is one of the most haunted houses in Britain ³. The most famous ghost at East Riddlesden Hall is the Grey Lady. Legend has it that her presence stems from the Civil War, when the man of the house returned from battle to discover his wife had been having an affair. He murdered her lover and bricked-up his wife behind a wall, condemning her to a slow death. Her ghost is said to roam the corridors seeking her lost lover. In 2016, a ghost hunter claimed to have captured evidence of the afterlife in this eerie footage while visiting East Riddlesden Hall.

Trick or treat?

A journey through Yorkshire’s haunted locales offers more than just a brush with the supernatural. It provides a deep dive into the rich history and folklore that have shaped this region over centuries. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or a history buff, these places promise an experience that will send chills down your spine.